Pavitar Kaur Gill

About the Author

Pavitar Kaur Gill has been a wife, mother, teacher, tv producer, researcher, and is currently a counsellor. She raised four children aged 26, 25, 20 and 19 while living with Crohn’s Disease, and navigating life as a single mother. 


Her interest in counselling stems from her experiences with parenting, chronic illness, and divorce, and from her desire to help others find their way through life’s difficulties. 


She holds degrees in English (BA, 1990) and Linguistics (MA, 1993) but is a lifelong learner and believes in expanding her knowledge base and skills. 


Pavitar completed her MA in Counselling in 2019 and founded her counselling practice – “Patient Voices”. She is pursuing an online MSc in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health with King’s College London and aims to graduate in 2024. 


One of her many life mottos is “Change is the Only Constant” which has helped her roll with the many punches that life has thrown at her. Pavitar is truly a survivor. 


Chapter Title: Navigating Constant Change as the Wounded Healer

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