Susanne Schutz

About the Author

Having lived and worked in Asia for three decades, and with extensive knowledge of business cultures in both Europe and Asia, Susanne Schutz felt that Chinese Metaphysics was missing something.


In 2014, she founded Suzhong Consulting. The company was born out of her awareness of the need for a more professionally based Chinese Metaphysics consulting service.


Susanne is uniquely positioned in her level of both business experience and Chinese Metaphysics mastery, having studied with Grandmaster Dato Joey Yap and holds four Masters Degrees in Chinese Metaphysics – Classical Feng Shui, Bazi Astrology, Chinese Date Selection, Qimen Dunjia. 


Susanne bridges the gap between local Chinese Metaphysics Masters who rarely explain their practices and procedures and cosmopolitan clients who require a more modern and adaptive approach, a deeper understanding and rationale for the solutions presented.

Susanne Schutz is the co-author of the book #MyVoice - Journeys of Self-Discovery and Resilience - (Vol-III). Her chapter is "Never Talk Yourself Out of Greatness."

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