Abhilasha Parikh

About the Author

Abhilasha Parikh is a career woman, mother and wife by day who shapes her passion with paper by night. She is the creator and sole entrepreneur of PaperSimplicity, which has handcrafted paper goodness for over 15 years. She has designed custom branded products for corporate clients, blended her creativity to highlight the work-life of women in her artwork which was later introduced as motivational cards, alongside a tribe.


Originally from India, Abhilasha holds an MBA from University of Technology, Sydney. She has lived in Sydney for over 20 years. With a strong IT career and in a lineup of multinational companies the creative urge of doing something different or for herself always stayed.


Commonly described as a woman of few words, rather no words. Strong but shy. Reliable but independent. Her life is a contrasting journey of sole entrepreneurship, career woman, motherhood and passion for the ancient art of quilling.

Abhilasha Parikh is the co-author of the book #MyVoice - Stories of Transformation and Purpose by Women of Substance (Vol-II). Her chapter is "Shaping my Passion."

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