Hwee Peng Tan

About The Author

As the mother of a neurodivergent son, Hwee Peng Tan is passionate about mental health, diversity and inclusion and special needs education.

Hwee Peng grew up in a working-class family in Singapore and, with her husband (partner), decided to move to Perth, Western Australia, in 2011 to start a family. She is an academic all-rounder, holding a Diploma in Instrumentation and Control Engineering and a Bachelor of Business Administration majoring in Business Management.

In 2021, she was approached to join her son’s School Board and the following year, she was offered the Chairperson role.

In taking on that role, Hwee Peng wanted to demonstrate that a Chairperson can be introverted yet approachable and a great listener. She is constantly seeking to improve her skills.

In 2022, she attended a leadership course specifically designed for the disability sector, where she honed her interpersonal leadership skills. She is also a certified mental health first aider.

As Chairperson, she nominated and won two Western Australia Education Awards for her school as Primary School of the Year in 2021 and Excellence in Disability and Inclusion in 2023.

Hwee Peng is a dog lover and enjoys pet sitting during her free time.

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