Ivan McAdam O’Connell

About The Author

Ivan McAdam O’Connell is a best-selling author, financial industry expert, investor, speaker and coach.


Through his 20s and 30s, he climbed the corporate ladder, rising to the role of COO in a large bank, while also developing and perfecting a roadmap for mid-career executives and professionals to unlock their true potential and escape careers and lives they no longer love.


A focused father and husband, Ivan and his wife set the goal of living financially free and enjoying their LifeStyle Freedom before they turned 40. With one month to go, he and his wife left their careers behind, sold off all their possessions, and, with their young daughter, headed off on an 18-month family adventure around the world.


On the road, Ivan wrote the outline of this book, and an initial extract was published in a best-selling anthology in 2023. After their adventure, Ivan and his family settled in Singapore, living their LifeStyle Freedom for over three years now, while continuing to travel 3 months a year.


Today, Ivan writes and shares content regularly on social media, as well as speaking, coaching, and running events – to spread the message that LifeStyle Freedom is achievable by design. Helping many navigate the tricky mindset transition from employees – to investors, business and portfolio careers.


Ivan has also built a portfolio of flexible business ventures, and works regularly with leading global consultancies, founders, and top executives. He also continues to buy and create Money- Generating Assets, following his LifeStyle Freedom Framework.


Ivan believes the most powerful benefit of freedom is the ability to take your shot and aim Big.


Ivan periodically opens up spaces to work with him directly to learn and apply his LifeStyle Freedom Framework, and achieve transformation in your life via courses, programmes, and events.


To find out more or to contact Ivan, visit www.LiveBIGBreakFREE.com

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